This is a 2D board-game inspired by the MMORPG Guild Wars 2.

The gameplay is obviously completely different, but I tried to convey that feeling of choosing how to react to a boss attack. Unlike most turn-based strategy games, where the enemy and the player have their own phase during the turn, here the boss selects its move, but before executing it, the player can choose how to respond: dodge, block, attack, heal, dispel, and most of the skills you would expect from an MMORPG. Once the move is chosen, the turn is played simultaneously.

Keeping track of all the variables to determine which skill the boss and player chose, and then combining them to determine the output, proved to be quite challenging, considering this is the first game I've made on my own, without copying and pasting scripts straight from some YouTube tutorial. "I mean, it's a board game, I'm not crazy enough to start making an RPG as my first game. It should be doable..." Well, I definitely underestimated the work involved and ended up spending 6 months on it. But I learned a lot. And most importantly, it was fun!

The game could be expanded with additional bosses and better animations, but since the main purpose of this project was to learn how to write scripts, I didn't spend too much time on particle effects or adding "more of the same" (it was harder to go from 1 to 2 bosses, while adding a couple more wouldn't have been that hard). However, if there's any interest, I'll go back and add something new :)

Of course, feedback is welcome and will help me understand what I should improve. So, if you have any bugs, skill balance issues or more general suggestions, feel free to leave a comment!


Player, bosses and skills sprites: ArenaNet

Music and sound effects: ArenaNet (but I had to do the raids to record them!)

Particle effects: the original prefab have been taken from the Hovl Studio, GameDevDreamer and the Unity Particle Pack, although they have been modified to make them similar to the Guild Wars 2 animations.


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